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133658 Japan deployed the Diaoyu Islands “defence“, an imaginary Chinese Army Airborne landing(日本部署钓鱼岛“防卫”,假想中国军队空降登陆) 147 0
127464 Diaoyu Islands, Chinese maritime police vessels increased to 14, said Abe will work with United States collaboration(钓鱼岛中国海警船增至14艘,安倍称将与美国合作) 287 0
127353 Media: China’s maritime police vessel, fishing vessel for the first time as they enter the Diaoyu Islands territorial waters(日媒:中国海警船、渔船首次同时进入钓鱼岛领海) 237 0
127351 Media: 6 China maritime police vessels and 230 vessels into the Diaoyu Islands contiguous zone(日媒:6艘中国海警船和230艘渔船进入钓鱼岛毗连区) 238 0
125358 China’s Defense Ministry: sailing warships in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands in China legitimately(中国国防部:中国军舰在钓鱼岛附近海域航行合理合法) 266 0
124482 Media: maritime police vessel for 7 consecutive days cruising the Diaoyu Islands in China, tensions are upgraded(日媒:中国海警船连续7天巡航钓鱼岛,紧张正升级) 253 0
124481 Media: corporate ship 6 days appeared in the Diaoyu Islands, China, suspected equipped with cannon(日媒:中国公务船连续6天现身钓鱼岛,疑配机关炮) 236 0
123260 Japan Foreign Minister night rushed to the Foreign Ministry to protest the Chinese warship off the Diaoyu Islands(日本驻华公使夜里赶赴中国外交部,抗议中国军舰出现在钓鱼岛) 227 0
122929 Japan plans to differentiate into the Russian warships in the Diaoyu Islands, protested the Chinese(日本计划区别对待驶入钓鱼岛中俄战舰,只抗议中方) 215 0
122627 China’s Defense Ministry responded in a Russian warship entered waters near the Diaoyu Islands(中国国防部回应中俄军舰进入钓鱼岛附近海域) 242 0
119835 Chinese maritime police ship fleet on May 17 in the Diaoyu Islands territorial waters cruise(中国海警舰船编队5月17日在钓鱼岛领海巡航) 252 0
113891 Japan enabled from the Diaoyu Islands 150 km radar stations, the Ministry of defence response(日本启用距钓鱼岛150公里雷达站,国防部回应) 276 0
33510 Media: Chinese maritime police will suspect the cable into the Diaoyu Islands near the sea 271 0
29866 United States scholars say Japan in violation of the Potsdam Proclamation, Koxinga, the Diaoyu Islands against the law 295 0
29804 Japan theft of the Diaoyu Islands, Potsdam ordered him to return them to China 299 0
24784 Chinese Maritime Police today on Diaoyu Islands in China’s territorial waters at cruising speed 317 0
24079 Chinese marine police fleet 30th I Diaoyu Islands territorial waters cruise 337 0
21265 Maritime Police vessel on the Diaoyu Islands in China’s territorial waters at cruising speed, the Japanese side track 287 0
21243 I this I Diaoyu Islands territorial waters to coast guard fleet cruises 313 0
21210 Chinese Maritime Police today at the Diaoyu Islands territorial waters at cruising speed 311 0
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